Printer type:
Material type:
Software manufacturer:
Software version:
Slicer version:

Slicer parameters

Parameter Name Description
1 Extruder Name

List of available extruders.

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:Primary Extruder
2 Extruder Toolhead Index

The index of the selected extruder toolhead. This is required for firmware toolchange commands.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:0
3 Nozzle Diameter

The diameter of your extruder nozzle.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
4 Extrusion Multiplier

Multiplier for all extrusion movements (allows simple flowrate tweaking).

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
5 Extrusion Width Auto

Automatically choose an extrusion width to maintain similar flowrates across different layer heights / Define a fixed extrusion width that will remain constant for different layer heights.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
6 Extrusion Width

The desired single-outlne width of the plastic extrusion.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Retraction

Reverse filament direction at the end of a loop to help prevent stringing.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:false
Step value:
Default value:
2 Retraction Distance

How much plastic to pull back into nozzle (in terms of raw filament).

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Extra Restart Distance

Extra extrusion distance on top of initial retraction amount, negative values are allowed (in terms of raw filament).

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
4 Retraction Vertical Lift

Nozzle will lift from the surface of the part during a retraction move.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
5 Retraction Speed

Extruder speed for the retraction movements, typically use the highest speed your extruder can support.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm/s
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
6 Coast at End

Turn off the extruder a short distance before the end of a loop to relieve pressure in nozzle and prevent blobs.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
7 Coasting Distance

Distance that nozzle will stop extruding prior to the end of a loop.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
8 Wipe Nozzle

Wipe the nozzle at the end of a loop.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
9 Wipe Distance

Total distance for the wipe movement.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Primary Extruder

Choose extruder for outline and exterior surfaces of your model.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 Primary Layer Height

Thickness of each printed outline layer.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Top Solid Layers

Number of solid layers to require at the top of the part.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
4 Bottom Solid Layers

Number of solid layers to require at the bottom of the part.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
5 Outline/Perimeter Shells

The number of shells to use for the exterior skin of the part.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
6 Outline Direction

Print inner-most perimeter first / Print outer-most perimeter first.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
7 Print islands sequentially without optimization

This is typically disabled to optimize the travel time between layers for faster prints and minimal oozing. May need to be enabled for small parts with multiple islands to prevent overheating.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
8 Single outline corkscrew printing mode (vase mode)

Gradually increments the Z-axis to avoid any layer change seams. Especially useful for vases, bracelets, or other hollow objects. (Note: Using this option will force 0% infill with only a single perimeter).

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 First Layer Height

First layer height is commonly modified to improve adhesion of first layer and account for uneven surfaces.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:%
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 First Layer Width

The width of the first layer extrusion can be increased to help with adhesion.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:%
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 First Layer Underspeed

Slower first layer speeds help improve bed adhesion.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:%
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Start Points

Layer start points are randomly distributed all over the model / Layer start points are chosen to optimize printing speed and the minimize the travel distance between islands / All layer start points are aligned as close as possible to the specified XY location.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 X

X-coordinate where all layer start points are aligned.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Y

Y-coordinate where all layer start points are aligned.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Use Skirt/Brim

This option can help prime the extruder prior to beginning the print and also helps anchor the edges of the model to the build platform to avoid warping.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
2 Skirt Extruder

The extruder that will be used for the skirt/brim. If "All Extruders" is selected, each extruder will print one outline.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Skirt Layers

Number of vertical layers to include skirt.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
4 Skirt Offset from Part

Skirt offset from part outline. Offset of zero will just touch the exterior of the part (brim).

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
5 Skirt Outlines

Number of skirt outline perimeters.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Use Raft

Creates a raft below the part that can help with adhesion and provide a clean level surface to begin the print.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
2 Raft Extruder

The extruder that will be used for the raft.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Raft Top Layers

Number of interface layers at the top of the raft.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
4 Raft Base Layers

Number of thick base layers at the bottom of the raft.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
5 Raft Offset from Part

Raft offset from the exterior of the part outline.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
6 Separation Distance

Separation distance between the last layer of the raft and the bottom layer of the part. Higher values will help the raft separate easier.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
7 Raft Top Infill

Infill percentage for the top layers of the raft.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:%
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
8 Above Raft Speed

Modifies the print speed for the first layer of the part on top of the raft.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Use Prime Pillar

Creates a pillar that is used to prime the extruder after a tool change command.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
2 Prime Pillar Extruder

The extruder that is used for the prime pillar. If "All Extruders" is selected (default), the pillar will be printed by multiple extruders to efficient prime each extruder after a tool change command.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:999
3 Pillar Width

The width of the prime pillar.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
4 Pillar Location

The location of the prime pillar relative to the part.

5 Speed Multiplier

Modifies the print speed of the prime pillar.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Use Ooze Shield

Creates a shell around your model that will help prime the extruder after a tool change and can also catch extra oozing from idle extruders.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
2 Ooze Shield Extruder

The extruder that is used for the ooze shield. If "All Extruders" is selected (default), the pillar will be printed by multiple extruders to efficient prime each extruder after a tool change command.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:999
3 Offset from Part

The distance between the part and the inner-most ooze shield outline.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
4 Ooze Shield Outlines

The number of ooze shield outlines to print on each layer.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
5 Sidewall Shape

The shape of the ooze shield walls. The "Waterfall" and "Contoured" options allow the shield to be closer to the part, however, the final ooze shield can be more difficult to remove.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
6 Sidewall Angle Change

The maximum allowed angle change for the ooze shield walls. Only valid for "Waterfall" and "Contoured" sidewall shapes.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:°
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
7 Speed Multiplier

Modifies the print speed of the ooze shield.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Infill Extruder

Choose extruder for the sparse interior regions of your part.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:0
2 Internal Infill Pattern

Determines the infill pattern used for the interior of the part.

3 External Infill Pattern

Determines the infill pattern used for the external surfaces of the part.

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:Rectilinear
4 Interior Fill Percentage

Determines the interior solidity of the model.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:%
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
5 Outline Overlap

Percentage of extrusion width that will overlap with outline perimeters (ensures infill bonds to outline).

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:%
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
6 Infill Extrusion Width

The width of the infill extrusion versus the outline perimeters.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:%
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
7 Minimum Infill Length

Infill segments with a total length below this value will not be printed (helps save time for unnecessary segments).

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
8 Combine Infill Every

Print multiple infill layers at once for faster printing times. For example, if your primary layer height was 0.1mm and you had chosen to combine the infill every 3 layers, this would print a single 0.3mm thick infill pattern every 3rd layer. Set to 1 to disable.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
9 Include solid diaphragm

Creates solid horizontal layers to improve structural integrity.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
10 Every Layers

Layer interval for solid horizontal diaphragm layers.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Internal Infill Angle Offset

Infill angles will be used one after another for each successive layer.

Type of parameter:
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 Print every infill angle on each layer

This will print every single infill angle for each layer. Can create a stronger pattern, although it may cause overlap from crossing extrusions.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 External Infill Angle Offsets

Type of parameter:
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Generate Support Material

Determines if support material will be used for this model.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
2 Support Extruder

Choose the extruder that will be used for support material.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:0
3 Support Infill Percentage

Adjust the spacing between support material webbing.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:%
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
4 Extra Inflation Distance

Use this setting to expand the support structure foundation beyond the exterior of your part.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
5 Support Base Layers

Number of solid support layers to include at the base of the print to help with adhesion. Set to zero to disable.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
6 Combine Support Every

Print multiple support layers at once for faster printing times. For example, if your primary layer height was 0.1mm and you had chosen to combine the supports every 3 layers, this would print a single 0.3mm thick support pattern every 3rd layer. Set to 1 to disable.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Dense Support Extruder

Choose the extruder that will be used for the dense support layers.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 Dense Support Layers

Number of dense support layers to include at the interface between the part surface and the normal sparse support. Set to zero to disable.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Dense Infill Percentage

Infill percentage for the dense support layers.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:%
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Support Type

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 Support Pillar Resolution

Determines the resolution used for support material calculations.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Max Overhang Angle

If no manual support has been defined, automatic support will be added to support overhang angles greater than this value (0 = vertical, 90 = horizontal).

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:°
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Horizontal Offset from Part

Modifies the horizontal separation distance between support structure and part outline (allows for easy cleanup).

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 Upper Vertical Separation Layers

Modifies the number of upper separation layers from part outline (allows for easy cleanup).

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Lower Vertical Separation Layers

Modifies the number of lower separation layers from part outline (typically limited to 0 or 1 to ensure support structure has solid base).

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Support Infill Angles

Angles used for support structure webbing (typically want only 1 or 2 angles in this list).

Type of parameter:
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Temperature Name

List of temperature controllers.

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:Primary Extruder
2 Temperature Identifer

Identifier for this temperature controller. Required for some firmware temperature commands.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Heated build platform

This temperature controller is a heated nozzle (extruder) / This temperature controller is a heated build platform.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
4 Wait for temperature controller to stabilize before beginning build

Sends a command at startup to stabilize the selected temperature before proceeding.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 temperatureSetpointCount

Defines the temperature at each build layer. To use the same temperature for the entire build, add a single setpoint entry for layer 1.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 Layer Number

Define the layer number where temperature setpoint will take effect.

Type of parameter:
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Temperature

Define the temperature that will be used at the selected layer number.

Type of parameter:
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Per-Layer Fan Controls Layer Number

Layer number where new fan speed will take effect.

Type of parameter:
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 Per-Layer Fan Controls Fan Speed

Fan speed to apply at the defined layer.

Type of parameter:
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Blip fan to full power when increasing from idle

This is useful for some fans that may have trouble getting up to speed at low voltages.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Increase fan speed for layers

Increases fan speed to help layers achieve adequate cooling.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
2 below

The fastest layer time we allow without modifying fan speed.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:s
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Maximum cooling fan speed

Maximum fan speed that is allowed for layer cooling purposes.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:%
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
4 Bridging fan speed override

Use a custom fan speed for all bridging regions.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
5 speed

The desired fan speed for all bridging regions.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:%
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 5D firmware (include E-dimension)

Most modern 3D printing firmwares include an explicit E-dimension to allow flowrate tweaking.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
2 Relative extrusion distances

Determines if relative extrusion values will be generated for each loop or if absolute values will be maintained throughout the entire print.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
3 Allow zeroing of extrusion distances (i.e. G92 E0)

Typically enabled for all Reprap firmwares. May need to be disabled for some MakerBot firmwares.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
4 Use independent extruder axes

This determines if multiple extruders each have their own coordinate system. This option should be disabled for Marlin, Sprinter, and Repetier firmwares.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
5 Include M101/M102/M103

Legacy commands that are not typically used by most modern firmwares.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
6 Firmware supports "sticky" parameters

Most G-Code interpreters support what is know as "sticky" parameters, meaning that the previous value for that parameter will be retained even if it isn't included in the next command.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
7 Apply toolhead offsets to G-Code coordinates

This option will shift all G-Code coordinates to account for toolhead offsets. This setting should only be enabled if the machine's firmware does not support setting toolhead offsets.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Offset X-Axis

X-axis offset applied to all coordinates in final G-Code file. If your printer homes at an X-coordinate of 100mm for example, set this offset to -100mm.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 Offset Y-Axis

Y-axis offset applied to all coordinates in final G-Code file. If your printer homes at a Y-coordinate of 100mm for example, set this offset to -100mm.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Offset Z-Axis

Vertical (Z-axis) offset that is used to account for a slightly misaligned endstop positioning. A negative value will move the nozzle closer to the bed.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Update Machine Definition

Overrides the current Machine Dimensions when loading this FFF profile. Allows easy switching between multiple printers with different machine settings.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
2 Override Printer Models

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
3 Machine Type

Select your machine type.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
4 Build volume X-Axis

Override for X-axis max printing dimensions.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
5 Build volume Y-Axis

Override for Y-axis max printing dimensions.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
6 Build volume Z-Axis

Override for Z-axis max printing dimensions.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
7 Origin Offset X-Axis

The X-position of the coordinate system origin. If the origin is in the center of your build platform, this value should be half your X-axis build dimension.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
8 Origin Offset Y-Axis

The Y-position of the coordinate system origin. If the origin is in the center of your build platform, this value should be half your Y-axis build dimension.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
9 Origin Offset Z-Axis

The Z-position of the coordinate system origin. If the origin is in the center of your build platform, this value should be half your Z-axis build dimension.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
10 Homing X-Axis

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
11 Homing Y-Axis

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
12 Homing Z-Axis

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
13 Flip build table axis X

Flip the X-axis direction in virtual preview.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
14 Flip build table axis Y

Flip the Y-axis direction in virtual preview.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
15 Flip build table axis Z

Flip the Z-axis direction in virtual preview.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
16 Toolhead offsets

The toolhead for the corresponding XY offsets.

Type of parameter:
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Update Firmware Configuration

Overrides the Firmware Configuration when loading this FFF profile. Allows easily switching between multiple printers with different firmware settings.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
2 Firmware Type

Select your firmware configuration.

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 GPX profile

Select your GPX machine profile (only applicable to MakerBot/Sailfish firmware types).

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
4 Baud rate

Select your machine's baud rate for serial communication.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Starting Script

Custom G-Code that is included after temperature settings have been initialized. Note that all speeds must be entered in mm/min.

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 Layer Change Script

Custom G-Code that is included between each layer change after initial retraction has taken place. Note that all speeds must be entered in mm/min.

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Retraction Script

Custom G-Code that is included right before a retraction takes place. Note that all speeds must be entered in mm/min.

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
4 Tool Change Script

Custom G-Code that is included right before each tool change command takes place. Note that [old_tool] and [new_tool] placeholder variables can be used. Note that all speeds must be entered in mm/min.

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
5 Ending Script

Custom G-Code that is included at the end of the build. Note that all speeds must be entered in mm/min.

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Export File Format

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 Add celebration at end of build (for .x3g files only)

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
3 Celebration Song

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
4 Additional terminal commands for post processing

Terminal commands to execute after the G-Code file is created. Note that [output_filepath] and [output_filename] placeholders can be used.

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Default Printing Speed

Initial speed used for all printing movements (modification may be added for cooling or outline underspeed).

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm/s
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 Outline Underspeed

Modifies printing speed for outer-most outline segment (allows for higher quality exteriors).

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Solid Infill Underspeed

Modifies printing speed for the top and bottom solid layers (used to improve exterior surface finish).

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
4 Support Structure Underspeed

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
5 X/Y Axis Movement Speed

Rapid movement speed for X/Y axes when machine is not printing.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm/s
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
6 Z Axis Movement Speed

Rapid movement speed for Z-axis when machine is not printing, should match actual Z-axis movement speed between layers for accurate print times.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm/s
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Adjust printing speed for layers below

Slows printing speed to give layers adequate cooling time.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
2 Min Speed Layer Time

The fastest layer time we allow without modifying speed.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:s
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Allow speed reductions down to

Minimum speed reduction that is allowed for cooling purposes.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:%
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Unsupported area threshold

Bridging calculations will only be applied to unsupported areas greater than this amount.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm²
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 Extra inflation distance

Expands the bridging region so that it has a larger overlap with the layer below. Set to zero to disable.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Bridging extrusion multiplier

Lowering the extrusion multiplier for bridges can help stretch filament and avoid drooping.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
4 Bridging speed multiplier

Modify the speed multiplier for bridging sections.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
5 Use fixed bridging infill angle

Enable this option to force all bridging infill to be printed in the same direction.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
6 Angle

Enter the angle to use for all bridging infill.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:°
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
7 Apply bridging settings to perimeters

If this option is enabled, bridging settings will be applied to any perimeter sections that cross a bridging region.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Horizontal size compensation

A negative value will inset (shrink) your model outline in the XY plane. Useful to account for small dimensional differences in final print quality. Set to zero to disable.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Filament Diameters

Measured raw filament diameter.

Type of parameter:
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 Filament prices

Allows you to customize the purchase price of your filament for accurate cost calculations.

Type of parameter:
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Filament Densities

Allows you to customize the density of your filament for accurate weight calculations.

Type of parameter:
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Tool change retraction distance

How much plastic to pull back into nozzle after a tool change (in terms of raw filament).

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 Tool change extra restart distance

Extra extrusion distance on top of initial tool change retraction amount, negative values are allowed (in terms of raw filament).

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Tool change retraction speed

Extruder speed for the tool change retraction movements, may need to be significantly lower than standard retraction speed if using a higher retraction distance.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm/s
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Use start printing at height

Process will not print below the specified height.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
2 Start printing at height

Process will begin printing at this height.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Use stop printing at height

Process will not print above the specified height.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
4 Stop printing at height

Process will stop printing at this height.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 External Thin Wall Type

Choose how external thin walls on the outside of the part should be printed.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 Internal Thin Wall Type

Choose how internal thin wall gaps should be filled within the model.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Allowed perimeter overlap

The allowed overlap for perimeters inside a thin wall. Larger values will define a higher preference for using perimeters inside a thin wall versus gap fill or single extrusion fill.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:%
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Minimum Extrusion Length

Single extrusion segments with a total length below this value will not be printed (helps save time for unnecessary segments).

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 Minimum Printing Width

The minimum width to allow for any single extrusion segments.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:%
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Maximum Printing Width

The maximum width to allow for any single extrusion segments.

Type of parameter: Integer
Unit of measurement:%
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
4 Endpoint Extrusion Distance

The ends of each single extrusion segment will be lengthened by this distance to help these thin segments bond to the rest of the model.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Only retract when crossing open spaces

This will limit retraction movements so that they only take place if the nozzle is moving over open spaces.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
2 Force retraction between layers

Force retraction to occur between every single layer.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
3 Use minimum travel for retraction

Only retract if the travel movement is longer than this length.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
4 Minimum travel for retraction

Retractions will only take place if the travel movement is greater than this value.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:mm
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
5 Perform retraction during wipe movement

This will perform a moving retraction that takes place over the wipe movement. When disabled, a stationary retraction is used which may create blobs.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
6 Only wipe extruder for outer-most perimeters

This will limit extruder wipe movements to the outer-most perimeter outline only.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Avoid crossing outline for travel movements

This option will divert the travel path to attempt to avoid crossing the part outline.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
2 Maximum alowed detour factor

This determines how far the travel moment is allowed to deviate from the original straight-line path. For example, a value of 2.0 means that the detour is allowed to be up to twice as long as the original move.

Type of parameter: Double
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Non-manifold segments

Non-manifold, open loop segments will be completely discarded / Non-manifold, open loop segments will be automatically healed if possible.

Type of parameter:
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 Merge all outlines into a single solid model

All surfaces in the model will be fused together into a single solid object.

Type of parameter: Boolean
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:false
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:true
Step value:
Default value:
Parameter Name Description
1 Process Name

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
2 Profile Name

Select the profile that you would like to use for this process.

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
3 Profile Version

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
4 Base Profile

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
5 Print Material

Automatically configure temperature and extrusion settings for the selected material.

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
6 Print Quality

Automatically configure layer height, infill percentages, and other related settings for the selected quality level.

Type of parameter: String
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value:
7 Apply To Models

Type of parameter:
Unit of measurement:
Minimum value:
Minimum value (Warning):
Maximum value (Warning):
Maximum value:
Step value:
Default value: